Wednesday, May 12, 2010

The Happiest Place On Earth

Today was not a good day. It was one of those days where things just weren't going my way, and crawling back into bed seemed like the best option. The boy tried cheering me up with a little Tijuana Flats, and on our way home we passed this monument of awkwardness:

The car came to a screeching halt, and we ran in with high expectations. Best pick me up EVER. I took as many pictures as I could before my cell phone died, and I think you will be just as impressed as I was. It can best be described as a dollar store-big lots- asian mall shop- flea market hybrid. Enjoy!

1. Jesus, Marilyn Monroe, and Chicago Cubs touch lamps.
2. Creepy faux mounted heads.

3. Discount hair ties under "authentic" dream catchers.
4. This lil shell guy just made me happy. He has the face of an owl, and the body of a lion. I call him Lowell.

5. The Virgin Mary, or the panther.... Chris couldn't decide.

6. Dog figurines with raised legs. (Hydrant figurines sold separately.)

7. Hands down, the creepiest puppets ever.
8. Ninja and Dragons with machetes over big booty naked women ash trays.

9. Spaghetti clocks. (amazing)
10. Bobble head japanese skater kids. The one all to the right has a sweater that reads "Corns."

11. I should have taken a video. They didn't just light up, the lights swirled and changed colors. 

I hope this perked up your Wednesday too.
XO Robyn

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