I am sick. It should be noted that I am a huge baby when sick. I have been in my pajamas all day trying to come up with excuses not to do an outfit post. The Homer Simpson pajama pants I stole from the boy are incredibly comfy, but they are not fashion. Instead I changed into jeggings and a vintage top, and attempted to take photos inside without the use of my tripod. Triple challenge! This had me wondering. Do bloggers stockpile outfits for days when they feel gross or the weather is bad? Do they just suck it up an take pictures anyway? Do they skip outfit posts and do inspiration posts instead? Seriously ladies, help me out here.
XO Robyn
Top: Thrifted Vintage
Necklaces: Lucky, Vintage
Pants: Forever 21 jeggings. (Model Megan and I refer to them as maternity pants due to their awesome elastic waistband.)
Shoes: Dolce Vita oxfords
Sass: Cold medication induced
P.S. The lovely Amanda over at The Upside of Wonder featured me as her first Blogger of the Month today. She is as sweet as she is stylish, and allowed me to be awkwardly self centered in our email interview. Check it out here.