Five things I love Friday. These are my current obsessions.
1. Daisy Chains

Don't you think they're the friendliest flower?" ~Meg Ryan in You've got mail.
Agreed. I am not typically a lover of flowers. In fact, one summer of working at a florist when I was 15 made me hate roses with a passion. Daisies are okay though. They are friendliest, prettiest weeds I can think of. And honestly, who wouldn't love to sport a daisy chain headband this spring?
Images: Weheartit,,
2. Rainbow Donkey Pinatas
Nothing says party like a rainbow donkey pinata. I have one set aside for the barbecue this Saturday.
Images: Google images.
3. Vintage Aprons
Let's pretend here that I cook. Let's pretend that I bake delicious cakes and cookies. Let's pretend that I have ever even used my oven, and do not use it as a space for storage. If we pretend all that, then can't we pretend that I need pretty vintage aprons? I want all of these.
4. Cherry Chapstick
This one is simple, and should have been simple to find images for. However, it was not. Go ahead and type "cherry chapstick" into google images. There are a disturbing amount of Katy Perry images.
Images: Google images.
5. Nancy Zhang on
I love this girl's look. She puts together the most inspiring outfits. I am even more enamored with the way she presents them with matching drawings. Take a peek at her lookbook and blog.
Have a great weekend ladies.
XO Robyn