March. (this was followed by a loud harumph you couldn't hear.) This is typically the time where I get antsy about posting the long awaited spring vintage that I have been hoarding all winter. However, the fact that it is still really cold out is making spring seem oh so far away.
It's a rough time in my online vintage trade. No one really wants more sweaters and coats, but they also aren't quite ready to shell out money for flimsy sun dresses. It is my own personal March Madness.... no, not the basketball kind Katherine. At least I have more time to set up my spring stock closet. I have just cleared out the last of fall/winter, and should have all of these sorted and hung by next week. Wish me luck.

On a more fun note, these are two thrift finds I picked up today. The first is a ceramic pink poodle that I have named Maurice. He is for my friend Nora... just because I miss her. The second is a sweet wicker lamp. LOVE it.
That is all.
XO Robyn