These 'Thrift Finds' posts usually feel like bragging. I much prefer to show the finds that are hitting the eBay store. That being said... I bought a couch! I feel like it's okay to be excited. I have lived on my own (no roommates, not with a boyfriend, not with my parents.) for over two years, and have never owned a couch. Please don't judge me. I had my reasons. Anyway, I finally did it. I got the most amazing, softest, technically a love seat, vintage couch. It smells like some sort of coconut scented cleaner, and that only makes me love it more.
* Special thanks to the boy, who helped me lug it up the stairs.
New yarn art. Not as impressive as the couch, but still a pretty sweet find. I always think that this wall is complete until I pick up a new piece of thrift store art that magically fits in.
Thanks for taking a peek at my kitsch little home.
XO Robyn