Tuesday, November 30, 2010

This Week In Vintage (11/30 & 12/02)

Sneak Preview! Take a peek at all of the new vintage coming to the eBay shop this week. The first half will be added tonight, and the rest will update Thursday. (Both 9-10pm EST) Ready, set, bid.

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XO Robyn
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Monday, November 29, 2010

The Grace To Tan Ratio

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Blouse: Vintage; Will be added to the shop this week.
Under skirt: Thrifted and altered
Outer skirt: Thrifted
Oxfords: Dolce Vita
Rings: Assorted silver

Do you ever find yourself thrifting something that you have no use for, but that you absolutely need. Something that matches nothing you own, or won't fit, or isn't even your style. I know I do. Case and point: This week I thrifted the sheer dancer skirt above. 

1. It is not vintage, so I can't resell it.
2. I do not dance. In fact, I am about as graceful as I am tan.
3. I am not comfortable wearing a sheer skirt without a lining. My home town does not abide by chictopian standards of panty exposure.

Yet there was not even a moment of hesitation. I threw it in the cart and could not have been happier. This is clearly because, I needed it. Shopping does not have to be supported by reason in my world.

So, have you thrifted anything awesomely unnecessary?
XO Robyn
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Sunday, November 28, 2010

Nyquil Is The New Tequila

Someone at Thanksgiving gave me a cold. I know the culprit, and I will be holding this against him at Christmas. True story. Anyway, I am currently obsessed with all of my favorite sick treats. These are my must haves for when I am feeling ill.

1. Yellow gatorade. It must be yellow, and I prefer it by the gallon.
2. A cozy crocheted blanket. 
3. A season (or  several) of Criminal Minds. I don't know why. Please don't judge me while I'm sick.

4. Have you had Starbucks oatmeal? It's pretty amazing. It should be for 4 dollars.
5. Magazines. I try not to strain myself with intense reading in my delicate state.
6. Chicken Noodle soup with the bits of chicken picked out. It takes some work, but it shows that you love me. (Best boyfriend ever.)

7. PJs. I didn't get dressed yesterday. I'm not getting dressed today.  I'm making no promises on tomorrow.
8. Eff cough drops. These are the best cure for a sore throat. 
9. I reek of yellow Gatorade, I haven't gotten dressed, and I'm wrapped up in my granny blanket. To top off this ensemble a few pairs of wooly socks are needed. So good.

Gatorade Cheers,
XO Robyn

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