1. Food Shaped Like Cute Animals
Images via Weheartit
I saw the sushi pandas the other day and lost it. I then spent the next 20 minutes looking at "cute foods" on weheartit. Now I need to find someone to make me giraffe pancakes, and my weekend will be complete.
2. Cambridge Satchels
I know these have been everywhere for a while. However, it wasn't until their images began flooding my tumblr all day that I found the desperate need to own one. If summer santa is reading this, I would like the metallic or neon yellow. Pretty please.
Images via Weheartit
We are house hunting again right now since we put in our notice last week. I am always distracted enough by picket fences, window boxes, and bench swings to overlook dirty carpets, a lack of central AC, or a bad neighborhood. Good thing Chris notices all those things.
Images via Weheartit
Bangs in summer? You can't do that with curly hair in FL. You just cant. Yet, that is exactly what I am doing tomorrow. I am out of town at a hair convention and bangs were a deal breaker for me getting booked by the stylist I wanted. Let's make this mistake.
5. Texting Excessively
Images via Weheartit
Like I said, I am out of town at a hair stylist convention thing. *blog on this coming next week. This means I spent half of today sitting around a hotel lobby texting my boyfriend and best friend. I'm not a big texter, so my thumbs are actually cramped from sharing the day's events.
Have A Great Weekend,
XO Robyn