Wednesday, September 29, 2010

A man without a mustache is like a cup of tea without sugar.

There's a mustache on my beer can. There's a beer can on my mustache....

Oh, hello. Today's post isn't exactly fashion related. Although, it does have to do with an accessory that has made one hell of a comeback in recent years; the mustache. These photos are from a party I went to this weekend called "The Stash Bash." It's just a huge party held here every year where everyone drinks, eats, plays outside, and wears a mustache obviously. Enjoy the photos.

*note cameos from The Boy, and Twitch Traci.

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Work it, Wednesday.
XO Robyn
*You might like to know that I was told I looked like a sexy Gallagher in my stash ensemble. I'll take it, but only because the word sexy was added. 

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