Five Things I love
1. Reading in bed

All images via Weheartit
I am one of those lucky people who falls asleep instantly after crawling into bed. Seriously, if it takes me more than a minute to fall asleep I freak out. This has always made reading in bed a challenge. I usually only get in a few pages before passing out, but yesterday I spent almost 2 hours in bed reading. It was glorious.... this was obviously followed by a 3 hour nap.
2. Nude Nails
LOVE this look. It is also part of my "stop biting my nails" technique. It always works... for a while.
3. Tights Under Shorts

Here Here
I will admit that my thighs and I were at war for most of my teens and twenties. We called it a draw a few years ago, and I began wearing shorts again. Tights under shorts helped ease me back into thigh exposure, and I will always love this style for that.
4. Cold Drinks In Mason Jars

All images via Weheartit
I think my Southern is showing.
5. Buttons

All images via Weheartit
Button, button, who's got the button?
I have a HUGE button bin. You can never have too many buttons. Trust me.
Have A Great Weekend
XO Robyn
*Note: I did another 5 Things I love post over on Alyson Is Neat yesterday. The link here on my blog didn't work for a few hours yesterday, so if you missed it go check it out now.