So Here it is:
Monday: Outfit Post

Blouse: Thrifted
Belt: Thrifted
Skirt: You guessed it... thrifted. (Will be added to the shop this week.)
Boots: Forever 21
Bag: Coach, via ebay.
Note: Today was WINDY. I spent a good deal of time outside with AAA trying to get my poor car up and running. By the end of that, and these photos my braids had pretty much come undone. You know it's monday when even your hair spray fails you.
Tuesday: Weekly store update post. All 50 pieces at a glance.
Wednesday: Thrift finds and Inspirations
Thursday: Outfit post
Friday: 5 things I love, current obsessions.
Look at me trying to be organized. Reminds me of all my unused childhood trapperkeepers. Okay, your turn. Do you have a weekly blog routine? How's that working out for you?
XO Robyn